Areas of specialty
We hope you find the following information helpful while taking into consideration that each and every person is unique. So, it is fair to keep in mind that the information provided in the specific specialty areas are generalised however the information provided will give a glimpse into the idea that even though the presenting symptoms may lead to a specific diagnosis, the cause and road to recovery is different and unique in each circumstance.
Pollin's focus is to assist each individual towards a state of wellness, either on a mental, emotional, physical or spiritual level. Pollin works with each person in ways that will enable them to raise their consciousness around them. When we can see things as they truly are, then we are able to live freely as ourselves.
Through Understanding, we gain Knowledge.
Through application of knowledge, we develop Wisdom.
When Wisdom guides our Choices,
then we are Truly Living and Being.
NOTE:- Many of the conditions listed overlap, however we have categorised the specialty areas based on the presenting issue or common diagnosis.